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About Me

My name is Tara Reynolds and I am an animator who specialises in Motion Capture and Key-framed animation. 
At university, I was taught the core principles of animation, I learnt how to animate in Maya, 3ds Max and Motionbuilder, as well as how to rig and skin characters.
I am currently a Motion Capture Editor at Centroid Motion Capture, where
 I have learnt a lot about the steps of motion capture shoots, production, editing and studio techniques from the industry. I am currently on the post team where I solve and retarget the motion data and motion edit with a variety of props and environments. 
My goal is to perfect my skill in both motion capture and key-framed animation, I love bringing life to characters and the world around them.​


Key Skills

Animating with motion capture data
Key-frame animation

Animating multiple characters in different environments along with a variety of props

Solving and retargeting pipeline
Setting up the motion capture stage

Getting the performers ready for capture





3DS Max

Premiere Pro


Working in the motion capture industry, both on the production and post team

Games Jam
Collaboration Projects
Attending industry talks

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